Mobilita č.1
Rozprávanie, kooperatívna metóda - Dublin, Írsko
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This Reflective Journal is a useful means for your language and professional development. Please take a moment to reflect on your experiences in the programme and write a few lines everyday on your thoughts.
Possible areas of reflection: My professional development today, Language Development, Cultural understanding, Participation in and Understanding of Debates, Talks, Group Work, Sharing of Expertise and Building of Future Partnerships, Dissemination Strategies, etc.
NAME: Radoslava Rákociová Country: Slovakia
Date: Monday, 22. 7. 2019
My professional development today increased in field of cultural understanding of Irish history, music and sports. I have understood much better the Irish distinctiveness and their national identity. Also, I had a chance to observe and understand the Irish culture through the Dublin discovery walk where I have learned about the city’s monuments, places of interests, historical buildings, etc.
Date: Tuesday, 23. 7. 2019
My professional development today increased during the lessons on Cooperative learning which I have found very enriching for me in terms of theoretical knowledge (many interesting theories for further study) and practical activities and ideas to use as an important part of application and dissemination in English lessons with my students.
Date: Wednesday, 24. 7. 2019
My professional development today increased in terms of participation in the debates and the group work on Inquiry-base learing topic. Since as a group consisting of three teachers of different nationalities and background we had to discuss, decide and agree together on many points connected with the work on our final presentations.
Date: Thursday, 25. 7. 2019
My professional development today increased through great reading co-operative techniques we have been introduced in lessons of Irish literature. I particularly liked the creative writing “working by the sentence” to combine the English language skills with creativity. Also, due to lesson on teaching I have understood how to implement some educational theories into my teaching practice.
Date: Friday, 26. 7. 2019
My professional development today increased because of many useful links and ideas on ICT implementation in my English classes. The afternoon visit to Seamus Heaney’s exhibition gave me a great understanding and knowledge about the Irish history, its myths and a life of common Irish village people which I found very enriching in terms of cultural experience.
Date: Monday, 29. 7. 2019
My professional development today increased a lot since it was connected to teaching techniques through the environment around us. I liked the ideas of the world shaping us and, reciprocally, how we shape our world. Personally, to me it means that what I give to my students they will give back to me. By the nature trail lesson I have been inspired to a great lesson plan implementing the environment into English language learning.
Date: Tuesday, 30. 7. 2019
My professional development today increased due to a lecture on Irish film and its incorporation into my teaching career. I received many practical ideas how to make such a topic accessible even to different age groups students in the language school. A visit in the National Library and W. B. Yeats exhibition I found incredibly important and enriching especially for my personal development as a human being.
Date: Wednesday, 31. 7. 2019
My professional development today increased in terms of better understanding of Irish culture and the national pride of Irish people. The authentic visit in the Old Library in Trinity College to see The Book of Kells exhibition was of an enormous value since I can better understand now many details from Irish religion, art and literature.
Date: Thursday, 1. 8. 2019
My professional development today increased because of the practical ideas to develop my literacy skills through using Irish films. I was inspired by the techniques how to bring such a topic into a classroom and, still, keep it interesting and entertaining. The same applies to the topic of Irish music which I was thrilled to be introduced into since I think art is an important element in any learning process.
Date: Friday, 2. 8. 2019
My professional development today increased due to being presented to many interesting dissemination strategies of what I have learned during the course. I realised that I would be interesting and effective to present my students the Irish language, history, culture, way of life, facts, sports, literature, music and film on a special topic oriented interactive lesson.
A final overview of my experience in this Erasmus+ Continuous Professional Development programme:
In general point of view I enjoyed beeing a part of the course from many reasons: professional attitude of the lecturers, comprehensive curriculum of the course, teaching methods, cultural and social content of the course strongly corresponded to general needs of me as an English teacher, enjoyable surroundings of Trinity College and its atmosphere.